Dynamic Flocculator – EQUIP FLOCCU
The dynamic EQUIP FLOCCU is a mixing cylindrical tank, that has the scope of mixing sludge at maximum concentration of 5% – 6% with diluted polyelectrolyte/polymer.
The operating principle is very simple, the polyelectrolyte is determined with a “T” junction on the inlet sludge flange in order to take advantage of vertical mixer blades effect. The result of these mixing is a perfect flocculation of the sludge; in case of the following machinery can be feed with low pressure, the sludge can flow directly from the upper outlet flange.
In other cases the sludge must need a relaunch or installing a mechanical seal to keep the liquid in pressure. The dimension of the tank will be defined accordingly with flow capacity and retention time of flocculation.
- 1 lower flange for the load with an inlet injection for polyelectrolyte
- 1 flange for maintenance drain with blind flange
- 1 shaft with blades for mixing sludge with polyelectrolyte
- 1 low speed electric agitator (40 RPM) – 230/400 V – 50Hz
- 1 cylindrical tank closed in the lower part in Stainless Steel 304
- Screw/piston dosing pump for concentrate polymer
- Screw/piston dosing pump for diluted polymer
- 1 upper output flange of the mixed product
- 1 upper closure cover in Stainless Steel 304 bolted
- 1 regulation pressure valve + Y filter
- 1 inspection window on the top
- 1 Flow meter